Thursday, May 7, 2009

In Concert

1. Irving Azoff is the CEO of Ticketmaster Entertainment. He is trying to save the music business by merging with Live Nation, and together they can help the two companies. They are reducing the number of middlemen between artist and fans. This, Mr. Azoff said will be fairer to artist and lower tick prices.
2. The "economics of the concert business" are changing by the rise of online ticketing sites, brokers and resellers. So fans are paying more to attend concerts buy artist and venues are not seeing that addition revenue.
3. Ticketmaster's near-monopoly is being challenged by Stub Hub. Which is scalpers and other are finding ways to sell tickets at a much higher price than Ticketmaster.
4. The Eagles dealt only with Wal-mart when they released their album because, they made so much more then going and getting a label. The made approximately $50 million but with the record label they would have only made $10 million.

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